Our Impact

“Since [learning of] the virtual ventilator simulation of OpenPediatrics.org, I have become a huge fan of your website. The simulator has given me guidance of how to study and safely use ventilators for patients. Additionally, the lectures are informative and easy to follow step by step. Thanks for your support and dedication.”
YoungMin Ko, RN.
RN Simulation Institute Korea
“Mechanical ventilation and hemodialysis are theories that are difficult to understand and to apply in clinical practice. The exercises and patient case studies [in the OPENPediatrics simulators] are very similar to those in real life. In order to minimize risks and make swift decisions, you must learn and practice with these types of simulators before facing real-life situations. It’s very important.”
Navli Deveci, 4th year intern, MD
Dokuz Eylul University Pediatrics