Heidi J. Dalton, MD, MCCM, FELSO
Senior Advisor for ECMO Simulation
Dr. Heidi Dalton has over 30 years of experience in critical care with a focus on extracorporeal support. She was inducted as a Master of Critical Care in 2014 by the SCCM/ACCM and was in the second inaugural class for Fellow of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (FELSO) in 2017. She has founded and led ECMO programs from neonates through adults, authored over 100 publications, and currently focuses on improving ECMO care and delivery by enhancing educational efforts around the world. She served as the Chair for the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and was the conference planner for ELSO for 6 years. She is a sought-after speaker and advisor for programs around the world and has helped initiate many programs, especially in the adult realm given the recent rise in ECMO in adult critical care.
Dr. Dalton currently serves as the Program Development and Research director for the Adult and Pediatric ECMO program at INOVA Fairfax Medical Center in Virginia, which has grown to over 100 ECMO patients. She provides consultant medical directorship for the Innovative ECMO Concepts group and has her own consulting company. Her research interests focus on the elimination of bleeding and thrombosis in ECMO patients. She is an associate editor for Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and reviews for journals such as Critical Care Medicine, Circulation, Pediatrics, Intensive Care, Respiratory Care, and others. Dr. Dalton is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at George Washington University and Professor of Pediatrics at Virginia Commonwealth University.